QUIZ00003 GK

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Answer all the questions and comment how many you got correct with something about yourself.

  1. Since this cactus, like many desert plants, stores water in its spongy tissues, animals like to eat them for the moisture, the thorns keep these plants safe from many animal predaters.

  2. Popularly called "own parrot", it is found only in New Zealand. It is unique among its kind - it is the world's only flightless parrot, the heaviest parrot, nocturnal in habit and herbivorous. It is also one of the longest living birds.

  3. Soils in tropical rainforest are typically deep but not very fertile.

  4. Rom in a theatre , TV Studio, etc. Where the performers can relax.

  5. Which Greco-Roman hero was told by Eurystheus at Delphi to perform 12 Great Labours?

  6. The official language of many countries in South America

  7. "Democracy is a government of the people , by the people and for the people."

  8. It is the oldest surviving European alphabet. Initially it was written from right to left but by about 500 BC , it was written left tto right. It included upper case and lower casr letters.

  9. What is the method used to separate milk from cream at home and in dairies?

  10. It is a method of cooking by dry heat in an oven or on a hot surface, without direct exposure to a flame.We make cake by this way.


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