QUIZ00008 GK

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Answer all the questions and comment how many you got correct with something about yourself.

  1. This small fox with distinctive large ears lives in Sandy Deserts and gets most of the water it needs from its food.It can go without water for a very long time Its sandy coat allows it to blend in the desert vegetation. Its coat reflects sunlight during the day and conserves heat at night. The soles of its feet have thick fur which protects it from the hot desert sand.

  2. Card shown by the refree to a player whom he is sending off the field.

  3. Many plants have found ways to adapt themselves in the rainforest. One of these is a vine called liana. Which option below describes how they survives in the rain forest?

  4. An aspect topic etc. that does not fit into a particular category and is therefore difficult to deal with

  5. What is the name of the traditional West African story Spines, who is known for his cleverness and wit?

  6. The language spoken by the largest number of people, spoken language in China

  7. "Expansion is life, contraction is death. Love is life and hatred is death."

  8. Aircraft and ship crews use this alphabet. They choose the words that are used in lots of different languages and cannot be confused with other common words or those used in another letter.

  9. Who was the first scientist to claim that earth is round and that it rotates about its axis?

  10. A meal cooked on an open fire out of doors, especially meat cooked in this way on metal rods.


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