QUIZ00001 GK

There are 10 questions in this quiz. Answer all the questions and comment how many you got correct with something about yourself.

  1. The pleated shape of this cactus allows it to expand when it rains and store water in its spongy tissues. It shrinks in size during dry seasons.

  2. It is a species of small wild pig, now found only in the Manas National Park in Assam. It feeds on roots, insects and small reptiles. Its natural habitat has been shrinking.

  3. One of these is the Variant of Tropical Rainforest.

  4. A complete or temporary loss of vision, consciousness or memory

  5. According to Greek Myths, who stole fire from the heavens and brought it to Earth?

  6. The language written in the Gurmukhi script

  7. "We have now to fight for peace with the same courage and determination as we fought against aggression."

  8. The language used by deaf and dumb people to communicate with one another. They use different finger positions and a variety of hand movements.

  9. Of the following things , which one is not due to surface tension?

  10. It is a method of cooking food specially meat in the oven or Indian oven (Tandoor) or by exposure to open heat.


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